
So why am I telling you all this anyway?

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Straightforward reason : India is in a grave and urgent crisis. We are no longer a democracy. The root cause is EVMs, and it will take all Indians united together to get rid of EVMs, get rid of EVM-propped dictatorial governments and restore democracy. And we are running out of time!

Feeling curious yet?

That's good. Because unless we know the problem, we can't solve it. What if I told you that the problem in question isn't new? What if I told we are having EVM rigged government not just since 2014, but since at least 2009, if not 2004?

Feeling concerned yet?

You should. If you notice, I claim that both UPA2 (2009) and NDA2 (2014) won by EVM rigging. How is it possible that both rival governments can rig our EVMs? Maybe UPA1 when in power had the means to rig EVMs for UPA2. But how could EVMs in UPA2 be rigged for NDA2 in 2014? The secret behind that is extremely worrisome. Since 2009 Loksabha, if not earlier, our elections are not only rigged, but rigged by foreign hand. The rigging is done for one government or another, to make it seem real and keep people oblivious. The rigged government in turn serves interests of that foreign hand in seamless continuity with the previous rigged government, even at cost of greatly harming India and Indians. Our democracy has become a puppet show run by a foreign power. This foreign power has the motives to rig our EVMs, the ability to rig our EVMs and it is also blatantly obvious that it has reaped rewards of doing so, while harming India. But we will come to those details later.

Feeling alarmed yet?

You really must! Even if you are skeptical about my claim of foreign hand, you must! Even if you to choose remain skeptical about it after I present a lot of circumstantial evidence, hisorical facts and conteporary event patters in future essays, you must. Why? Because whether we agree on the foreign hand aspect or not, India is fast hurtling towards full dictatorship through rigged EVMs and the signs are getting more and more visible. In fact, democracy is dead since 2009 if not 2004 because EVMs killed genuine elections. But for a few years these democracy killers handled you with kid gloves, trying make everything seem ok, while stealthily pushing many undemocratic things forward, most alarming of which is Aadhaar.
But now the gloves are off. The extremely insecure and invasive Aadhaar is being made mandatory without even a scant regard for your well-being. Judiciary is also inexplicably delaying the main crucial Aadhaar case hearings for almost 2 years now while Aadhaar is being forced through lies and coercions and rights and security of Indians are being destroyed. If this continues will our court remain any different from a dictator's banana court? At the same time, India's natural resources are being hacked away for projects benefiting the foreign hand. The GST tax structure is being brought into place which destroys federalism, puts supreme financial powers in hands of Centre, to be misused against people as well as states, and to fund wars, and to destroy our economy at will of Indian dictators or their forign masters. People are being murdered, beaten, raped, lynched for an assorted range of bigoted reasons and a huge show is made out of it. And instead of the culprits, govt is prosecuting the victims in many of the cases! Pellet guns are being used against our own people to make Kashmir boil, to start wars (by paying billions of dollars to foreign hand for weapons), and perhaps bring official foreign hand intervention in Kashmir which India always opposed. See what I mean how foreign hand is reaping benefits of rigging our elections? Anyway again leave that for now. Poor are being trampled upon, personal freedoms are being hacked away. Attorney General recently told Supreme Court that individuals don't even have absolute right on their own body! They are trying to dictate everything, what you can eat, what you can study, what you can wear, how you can pray, whom you can date or marry, etc and it is being enforced by state machinery as well as non-state militia, who are not only being given a free hand, but also tacit and overt support of state machinery in places. I could go on and on about many many indicators of India's slow and then fast descent into dictatorship, but that would fill up a whole book and this paragraph is already getting too bloated to continue. So we leave more of it to future essays
In doing all this dictatorial thuggery, neither Constituion nor Judiciary nor actual will of the people is being respected by the government. Why is it so? My straightforward idea is, this is because the thugs in power do not depend on your vote at all, so they do not need your goodwill at all. Thus the checks and balances that make democracy work are gone!
The most startling example of this was demonetization. So many people died, so many people suffered, so many people lost their jobs, so many farmers and small businessmen incurred losses on goods in stock, stagnation of cashflows, even big companies reported fallen sales. In short it was an economic mayhem. So much so, that I was pretty much assured that BJP will start losing all elections now. But then BJP 'sweeped' various civic and as well as assembly elections right after! Why? Are people fools? Are people masochists? No! It is because our votes do not matter anymore. Even if the EVM rigged government kills a large number of Indians (demonetization came close to that in way) EVMs will keep voting them in, as long as they serve vested interests of their EVM puppt-masters.
In fact murder and mayhem is already being reported in startling numbers in Uttar Pradesh where BJP got a huge majority EVM-rigged govt right after demonetization. BJP is already on the way to a huge Rajya Sabha majority due to all the rigged Assemblies. Next, in 2019 the EVM rigging puppet-masters can fake a huge BJP LS majority and official dictatorship begins in India.
Unofficial dictatorship is already on, even legislatively if you look at the way 40 or so different Acts which were not at all related to Consolidated Funds of India were modified with 'Finance Bill 2017' to bypass Rajya Sabha. In fact they even bypassed the President because the sections were added after the President introduced the Bill in Lok Sabha. Because of this modification in Finance Bill by LS over what Bill President had originally introduced, President had all the logical reason and power to deny his assent to the Finance Bill 2017. But he didn't, because India no longer has a genuine democracy and the puppet masters of Indian govt wanted this.
So who could become your dictator in 2019? I cannot tell. Could be Modi, could be Yogi, could be any other thug that the evil EVM puppet-masters want. But dictatorship is guaranteed if EVMs continue. Your votes don't matter, so you don't matter, your well-being doesn't matter, your rights don't matter and even your life doesn't matter.

Feeling panic yet?

You urgently and definitely must! The doom by EVMs is nearly fully upon us. Not just in India, but around the world. Genuine elections have been wrecked and puppet dictators have been installed by EVMs, around the world. Attempts are being made to do so in more countries by trying to get them to use EVMs.
What sort of doom? World War 3 doom, along with possibly a 'cashless' 'digital money' world forced on people by dictators, where common people are totally helpless, extreme economic hardships & economic crimes prevail for masses and perhaps no human rights exist. World War 1 was in the most direct way started by monarchs. People's democratic will did not matter. World War 2 was in most direct way started by dictators. People's will again did not matter. Regular folks do not prefer war. War is only for profits of the powerful, who even go to the extent of deliberately setting up major wars for profits. Only people's will, only democracy, can keep the world peaceful. But EVMs are the devil that destroy all principles of genuine elections and thus destroy people's will and democracy.
So once again, by EVMs, the world is slipping into dictatorships, while still maintain a respectable facade of democracy on the surface. But just like before the world wars, internal unrest among populations as well as international tensions are beginning to foment in countries that are using EVMs. The is true even in and especially in Asia and South America, which have been relatively peaceful in last few decades. Coincidentally the foreign power that benefitted maxium from the two world wars, and which I strongly suspect is rigging India's elections, is also the one doing advocacy of EVMs worldwide through it's 'democracy promoting orgs'.
Leave aside the global war scene for a while. Let's look at India. Is it merely a coincidence that ever since Modi got 'elected', many 'news channels' keep beating war drums, keep doing constant pro-army propaganda, there is rise in incidents of military skirmishes and soldier deaths at the border, sabotage incidents have increased (which they conviniently blame on Pakistan/ISI/IS), FDI in defense industries has been fully opened up, 8 highways with ability to act as warplane runways have been proposed? No. It is not a coincidence. India, which has 15-20% of the world's population, and which did not directly face much bloodshed in first two World Wars on its soil, is being groomed as one of the key belligerants in Asia along with some smaller belligerants, against China. This is being done by hijacking our whole govt itself with rigged EVMs!
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